- Taking into consideration the presence of oxygen-bearing phase and
adsorption layers on a passive metal surface and the structure of a double
electric layer, a theoretical model of the passive metal dissolution
process has been developed. The model is of interest to solve corrosion
problems of metals and alloys prone to passivation.
- The
theoretical point about stage mechanism of electrochemical oxidation of
iron subgroup metals up to monovalent cations has been developed. The fact
of participation of adsorbed molecules of water in this process is
experimentally proved.
- The developed
new electrochemical theory of ground
corrosion is based on taking into account the nonequipotentiality
of metal surface of long underground constructions.
- Scientific conceptions concerning
corrosion behaviour of binary alloys (whatever their composition) in the
active state have been developed, substantiated and confirmed in practice.
According to developed ideas, the decisive role in corrosion of a binary
alloy is played by one of its components. Moreover, there exists a
""boundary concentration"" at which the role of alloy
components is governing the corrosion process is changed.
- All known
critical compositions of multicomponent solid solution-type alloys,
including iron - chromium alloys, has been theoretically proved basing
uniform positions.
- For the first
time the method of neuron network modeling is adapted for research and
prediction of complex corrosion systems behavior.
- New corrosion resistant
materials have been developed. They include:
- stainless steels with the lower concentration of impurities and scarce
alloying elements (high resistance against pitting and intergranular
- carbon and low-alloyed steels (high resistance against local corrosion
and corrosion-mechanical destruction)
- alloys on the base of Cu, Al, Ni, Mo and Zr.
- Abnormal effects observed
under active dissolution of metals and unexplainable in terms of the
electrochemical kinetics laws have been revealed and theoretically
interpreted. Ways of practical use of such effects for the prediction of
corrosion resistance of metals and for the choice of methods of their
protection were suggested.
- Possible reasons of
premature corrosion failure of internal surfaces of thermal engineering
metallic elements have been formulated.
- A model of corrosion
processes occurrent inside of gas-, oil- and water-lines has been worked
Phone: (095) 917-1157 Fax: (095) 975-2450
E-mail: reformir@yandex.ru, reform@cc.nifhi.ac.ru