Elucidation of the
role of solution components in the dissolution process of metals in the active
Elaboration and experimental substantiation of the
concepts concerning the stage nature of discharge-ionization processes of
metals forming multiply charged ions under dissolution.
Development of a theory of the alloy dissolution in
the active state. Elucidation of the nature of processes determing the
susceptibility of metals and alloys to passivation.
Elaboration of the theoretical foundation of local
corrosion processes (pitting and intergranular corrosion, structure selective
dissolution) of metals and alloys. Investigation of the effect of impurity
elements (S, Mn, C, P, B, Si, N) and structural heterogeneities (segrgations,
secondary phases, non-metallic inclusions) arisen originated from them on the
susceptibility of metals and alloys to local corrosion (pitting and
intergranular one).
A study of the pecullarities of corrosion behaviour of
the transition metals-based metal-like compounds (carbides, nutrides,
intermetallics) and composite materials on their base.
Surface corrosion resistant alloying of carbon
Development of new experimental investigation
techniques for studying the metal dissolution and passivation processes
(including methods combined with physical ones - Auger electron spectroscopy,
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy and others).
Working-out of the accelerated tests for different types
of metal corrosion.
Development of the methods of anti-corrosion
protection of metallic equipment and constructions in key industries
(extraction and transport of oil and gas, exploitation of heating systems and
water-pipes, production of corrosion resistantpackage materials for
food-canning and food industry).